About The National Capital Trackers

Our Story
The National Capital Trackers have been operating “O” gauge trains throughout the Washington DC metro area since 1991. As the hobby has evolved over the last several years so has the National Capital Trackers club. We operate our “O” gauge trains with all available digital control systems from both Lionel and MTH, both major manufacturers in the hobby. By utilizing all available control system we open our modular layouts to every level of train enthusiasts and encourage new and old members to share their passion of operating their favorite “O” gauge trains with members and the public alike.
Innovation and imagination are the only limits to module design and has been a cornerstone of the club since its inception. While we adhere to our published construction and electrical standards track selection is completely up to the module owner, as long as it is compatible. We encourage every new member to construct at least one module and actively participate in several shows throughout the year. Our show schedule is normally very aggressive providing ample opportunity for member participation.
Camaraderie and the fun of operating “O” gauge trains is what the NCT club is all about. Every member has one thing in common the sharing of our passion for operating toy trains for each other, for ourselves and for the general public. We truly are part of the World’s Greatest Hobby.