Guide to Run Trains from
Cell Phone or Tablet
Running trains with the Wi-Fi DCS app by MTH on cell phones and tablets
This app on your cell phone or tablet has become the preferred way to run trains. Use your device as if it were a handheld remote. Spend time to master it, though it’s straightforward.
Getting Started:
Download the premium MTH DCS app or upgrade from the free app
Be sure the device is fully recharged. Turn device on
First Steps:
Go to settings and find wi-fi network signal: In Virginia, it’s TrackerWiFi-VA, and in MD it’s TrackerWiFi-MD.
Password for both is Tomorrowism0ving (zero and not letter O in m0ving)
The device links to a router at the power cabinet. This is a stand-alone router to run these apps. Your device will tell you there is ‘no internet connection’ – that is OK.
If your device is sluggish, clear the cache by closing out apps that are operating.
Punch up the Wi-Fi DCS app so it comes to your screen. The screen page you will see will have ‘Run My Trains’ within a white search panel. Hit this and a new screen comes up with a speed odometer that dominates the screen. This is the home screen or ‘dashboard.’
Below the top purple header are three key symbols: On the left is an icon of a dial with the hand at 1 o’clock. This gets you back to the home screen. The center is a box with nine purple dots. This is the features page. At the right is a symbol of a gear. This is for ENGINE settings.
Place an engine on the track. The device reads the engine. In the top right of the home screen hit the down caret. A screen appears that will say ‘Choose or Add an Engine.’ Below will be three engine status reports: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, and ADD, as in add engines.
The engine just placed on the track and read by the device will be under ACTIVE. The INACTIVE list will remember previously run engines.
Check off the engine you want to run – the one just added or an inactive one. This engine will come up on the home screen at the very top in the purple band.
Note: You can add TMCC/Legacy Engines under the ADD heading.
Symbols on the home page: The home screen has different symbols in the four corners:: the top left is a bell, then clockwise it’s a horn, then bottom right a triangle with an F for forward, and bottom left a triangle with R for reverse. To the bottom left of the speedometer is a plus and minus sign to increase or decrease speed
Caution: When hitting the F for forward, be sure to not hit the 120 on the speedometer (with a fat finger). Hitting 120 will speed the engine to 120 mph. CRASH!
To return to the home screen touch the dial with the hand at one o’clock above the speedometer.
To see the Active engine’s settings, hit the gear symbol: Be sure to study this. When starting with a new engine, scroll this page up to ‘speed control’ and set a maximum speed for the engine. Return to the home page and notice the odometer will show numbers only up to the maximum speed just set.
You can set a maximum speed for every engine.
To change a speed of an operating engine, hit the number on the speedometer or, preferably, hit the plus sign on bottom right so the speed is increased incrementally.
Pressing the circular arrow on top left refreshes the page
The Double Chevrons at the center bottom of the home page are for additional operational features: smoke, engine sounds, headlines, PFAs and more.
When sharing a loop, you can coordinate the speed of your engines with fellow Trackers.
The default sound level on an engine sound slide is 70.
Apple fifth generation IPads are available on eBay for $85
The five tabs, or icons, along the bottom of every page, are for advanced features: Engines, Track, Switches, Accessories and more
The free app does not have all of these features. Upgrade to the paid app to the premium app for $25.99.